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Summer Mindfulness Retreat

Are you ready for some R&R?

May 7, 2023

We have so missed the warmth and energy of our retreats–gathering with people who turn their hearts toward caring for the world and each other and holding space for those who need it. Over the years,through these retreats we’ve learned to more skillfully be with our emotions and see each other as individuals, not categories to be managed, but as human beings who want to be seen, cared about, and happy.

We’ve all had our high and low vibes the last few years. We’ve experienced a range of emotions, including joy, excitement, dismay, frustration, and loss. Let’s let that go for a day, give our attention to self-care and just BE.

Because maybe what you need to be happy is to take care of YOU.

We’ll offer a respite from the world, a little play, mindfulness, and beauty, and settle into self-discovery with a group of fellow self-seekers.

  • What if you could take a day just for your own wellness and recharge your vibe?
  • What if that day would be full of heart, compassion, beauty, and gratitude?
  • What if you learned new tools to better care of yourself and those you meet in life?
  • What if this day is exactly what you need to get back the vibe you've been missing?

You’re invited to a retreat in Santa Clara, CA at the historic Jamison-Brown house
on June 10, 2023 from 9:30 AM -4:30 PM.

The Revibe retreat offers refuge from the world out there and permission to focus on your own self-care right here–in your heart. Grab you ticket atand learn more at the link below. Seats are limited.