All Categories - Nearly Mindful

5 février 2025
20 janvier 2025
I’m delighted to share that I recently completed a 9-month certification program in Applied...
If someone had told you in your 20’s this is what 40+ looked like, would you have believed ‘em?...
On the day BEFORE Mother’s Day give the gift that speaks volumes in whispers. This Mindfulness...
We begin with simple breathing techniques to quiet the mind and body, then move into an intention...
28 février 2024
Taking a more mindful approach to how and when we eat and having the right food available can...
There are sooo many misconceptions about what mindfulness meditation is and isn’t. Sure it’s...
Ah, here comes the Thanksgiving holiday! We look forward to the feasting and bringing people...
In our hectic lives, it's all too easy for our minds to spiral into overdrive. We possess an...
We have so missed the warmth and energy of our retreats–gathering with people who turn their...
Tibetan singing bowls have always intrigued me with their soothing tones and beauty. I couldn't...
“Oh, I have a monkey mind, it’s just too busy to be mindful!” “I don’t have time for that...
31 décembre 2020
2020 has been a wild ride in so many ways. Ways too many to count really. The outrage The...
Caring for family is something many of us do quite naturally, after all, it’s the right thing to...
There really is no question that our climate is changing and it’s affecting every aspect of our...
We often go through our lives not recognizing the state we are in- both physically and mentally...
23 août 2020
In the beginning of the pandemic, the urge to jump into bed and pull the covers over our heads...
18 juillet 2020
We're so busy, busy, busy these days, when is there time for self-care? No matter what is going...
As more executives see the value of private coaching, they look to provide the same value for...
Some days I feel like I can't catch up with all i need to do, and it takes me a while to realize...
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